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Pilot Memory Aids

Listed below are easy to remember pilot memory aids, mnemonics and aphorisms.

ABCDE - Engine failure checklist.
Airspeed best glide, carb heat on or fuel pump on. Best place to land - airfield, road, golf course,field. Checklist fuel selector on both, mixture rich, throttle full, ignition on both, primer in and locked. Declare Emergency - squawk 7700, broadcast on 121.5 or current ATC frequency - location, nature of emergency, intentions and souls on board. Execute emergency landing

- Required documents that need to be onboard the aircraft.
Airworthiness certificate, Registration, Radio license (if operated in Canada or Mexico), Operating manual and limitations, Weight and balance.

ANDS - Acceleration and Deceleration compass errors.
Accelerate North Decelerate South. When flying east and west the compass will swing toward north on acceleration and south on deceleration.

CIGARS - Pre-takeoff checklist.
Controls, Instruments, Gas, Attitude (trim set), Run up, Safety.

CRAFT - Items on an IFR flight clearance.
Cleared, Route, Altitude, Frequency, Transponder.

GOOSE A CAT - Required VFR day equipment.
Gas gauge, Oil temperature gauge, Oil pressure gauge, Seat belts, Emergency locator transmitter, Altimeter, Compass, Airspeed indicator, Tachometer.

GRAB CARD - Required IFR equipment.
Generator, Radios, Attitude indicator, Ball, Clock, Adjustable altimeter, Rate of turn indicator, Directional gyro.

GUMPS - Pre-landing checklist.
Gas (switch fuel to fullest tank or both, fuel pump on), Undercarriage (landing gear down and locked), Mixture (rich), Prop (full forward), Seat belts on.

IMSAFE - A personal checklist that asks the pilot if they are ok to fly an airplane. Illness, Medication, Stress, Alcohol, Fatigue, Eating.

PL(ease!) START - Engine-out emergency memory aid.
Pitch for best glide, Landing site, Seat belts, Troubleshoot, Approach, Radios, Turn off.

PRICE - Required Oxygen Checklist. Pressure, Regulator, Indicator, Connections, Emergency.

RAW FAT - Required preflight information for flights away from the originating airport. Runway lengths, Alternates, Weather, Fuel requirements, ATC delays, Takeoff/landing distance data.

TOMATOFLAMES - Required VFR equipment.
Tachometer, Oil pressure, Manifold pressure, Altimeter, Temperature sensor (liquid-cooled), Oil temperature (air cooled) Fuel gauge, Landing gear position, Airspeed indicator, Magnetic compass, ELT, Seat belts.

UNOS - Compass errors.
Undershoot North, Overshoot South.

5 C's - Used when a pilot is lost.
Climb, Circle, Communicate, Confess, Comply

5 T's - Time, Turn, Throttle, Tune, Talk
4 Strokes of an engine
Suck, Squeeze, Bang, Blow
This also applies to turbine engines
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