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Free Written Test Supplements

These books are provided for the written exam administered by the FAA and designated Pilot Testing Centers.

A good understanding and familiarity of these materials is essential for passing the test.
Private Pilot Testing Suplement
Testing Supplement for Sport Pilot, Recreational Pilot and Private Pilot is the supplemental book provided when taking the sport, recreational, and private pilot written tests. Specific written tests are listed below:

Sport Pilot – Airplane (ASEL and ASES)
Sport Pilot – Gyroplane Sport Pilot (LTA)
Sport Pilot – Glider Sport Pilot (LTA)
Sport Pilot – Airship (LTA)
Sport Pilot – Balloon (LTA)
Sport Pilot – Weight-Shift Control (WSCS and WSCL)
Sport Pilot – Powered Parachute (PPL and PPS)

Recreational Pilot – Airplane (RPA)
Recreational Pilot – Rotorcraft/Helicopter (RPH)
Recreational Pilot – Rotorcraft/Gyroplane (RPG)

Private Pilot – Airplane/Recreational Pilot – Transition (PAT)
Private Pilot – Helicopter/Recreational Pilot – Transition (PHT)
Private Pilot – Gyroplane/Recreational Pilot – Transition (POT)
Private Pilot – Airplane (PAR)
Private Pilot – Rotorcraft/Helicopter (PRH)
Private Pilot – Rotorcraft/Gyroplane (PRO)
Private Pilot – Glider (POL)
Private Pilot – Free Balloon–Hot Air (PBH)
Private Pilot – Free Balloon–Gas (PBG)
Private Pilot – Lighter-Than-Air–Airship (PLA)
Private Pilot – Powered-Parachute (PPP)
Private Pilot – Weight-shift Control (PWS)

Unmanned Aircraft General – Small (UAG)
FAA Reference - FAA-CT-8080-2H

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Instrument Pilot Testing Supplement
Testing Supplement for Instrument Rating is the supplemental book provided when taking the instrument rating written test. Specific written tests are listed below:

Instrument Rating Airplane (IRA)
Instrument Rating Rotorcraft/Helicopter (IRH)
Instrument Rating Powered Lift (IPL)
Instrument Rating Foreign Pilot (IFP)

Instrument Flight Instructor Powered Lift (IPI)
Instrument Flight Instructor Airplane (FII)
Instrument Flight Instructor Rotorcraft/Helicopter (FIH)
Instrument Flight Instructor Airplane (added rating) (AIF)
Instrument Flight Instructor Rotorcraft/Helicopter (HIF)

Ground Instructor Instrument (IGI)

FAA Reference - FAA-CT-8080-3F

Commercial Pilot Testing Supplement
Testing Supplement for Commercial Rating is the supplemental book provided when taking the commercial rating written test. Specific written tests are listed below:

Commercial Pilot—Airplane (CAX)
Commercial Pilot—Glider (CGX)
Commercial Pilot—Lighter-Than-Air–Airship (CLA)
Commercial Pilot—Rotorcraft/Gyroplane (CRG)
Commercial Pilot—Rotorcraft/Helicopter (CRH)
Commercial Pilot—Balloon Gas (CBG)
Commercial Pilot—Balloon–Hot Air (CBH)

Military Competence for Commercial Pilot Certification (MCN)

FAA Reference - FAA-CT-8080-1E
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