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Welcome to the notices to air missions acronym list. NOTAM was known as notices to airmen. This list includes acronyms, abbreviations, and contractions for all NOTAM's. If we missed one check our master acronym list here or let us know!
L Left
L Locator
L Logistics
L/MF Low/Medium Frequency
LA Low Approach
LAA Local Airport Advisory
LAADR Low Altitude Arrival/Departure Routing
LAAS Local Area Augmentation System
LAB Laboratory
LABRDR Labrador
LABS Leased Service A/B System
LABS Low Altitude Bombing System
LADP Local Airport Deicing Plan
LAM Logical Acknowledgment
LAN Inland
LARCT Last Radio Contact
LAT Latitude
LAWRS Limited Aviation Weather Reporting Station
LB Left Base
LB Pounds
LC Local Control
LCA Locally
LCL Local or locally
LCT Locate
LCTMP Little Change in Temperature
LD Long Distance
LDA Landing Distance Available
LDA Localizer Type Directional Aid
LDG Landing
LDI Landing Direction Indicator
LDIN Lead in Lighting System
LEN Length
LETFO Letter Follows
LF Low Frequency
LFC Laminar Flow Control
LFNT Low Frequency Intersection
LFR Low Frequency Radio Range
LFT Lift
LGRNG Long Range
LGT Light
LGTD Lighted
LGWV Long Wave
LICOF Land Lines Communications Facilities
LIH Light Intensity High
LIL Light Intensity Low
LIM Light Intensity Medium
LIN Linearity
LIRL Low Intensity Runway Edge Lights
LK Lake
LKLY Likely
LKTYP Like Type
LL Landline
LLWAS Low Level Wind Shear Alert System
LLWS Low Level Wind Shear
LLZ Localizer
LM Locator Middle
LMM Compass locator at ILS middle marker
LMT Limit
LMT Local Mean Time
LN Line
LNAV Lateral Navigation
LND Land
LNDG Landing
LO Liaison Officer
LO Outer Locator
LOA Letter of Agreement
LOC Localizer
LOCOR Local Coordinator
LODISNAV Long Distance Navigation
LOEAT Lowest Temperature Equaled for all Time
LOEFM Lowest Temperature Equaled for the Month
LOESE Lowest Temperature Equaled so Early
LOESL Lowest Temperature Equaled so Late
LOM Compass locator at ILS outer marker
LONG Longitude
LONGL Longitudinal
LOP Line of Position
LORAC Long Range Accuracy
LORAN Long Range Air Navigation System
LOTMP Lowest Temperature
LOXAT Lowest Temperature Exceeded for all Time
LOXFM Lowest Temperature Exceeded for the Month
LOXSE Lowest Temperature Exceeded so Early
LOXSL Lowest Temperature Exceeded so Late
LP Left Traffic Pattern
LP Linear Polarization
LP Liquid Propane
LP Localizer Performance Without Vertical Guidance
LPV Localizer Performance With Vertical Guidance
LR The last message received by me was
LRA Landing Rights Airport
LRCOM Long Range VHF/UHF Communications
LRG Large
LRG Long Range
LRS Lake Reporting Service
LS Left Side
LS Last message sent by me was or last message was
LSQ Line Squall
LSR Loose Snow on Runway
LST Local Standard Time
LT Turn left after takeoff
LTAV Light and Variable
LTD Limited
LTF Local Training Flight
LTFC Landing Traffic
LTGCA Lightning Cloud to Air
LTGCC Lightning Cloud to Cloud
LTGCCCG Lightning Cloud to Cloud Cloud to Ground
LTGCG Lightning Cloud to Ground
LTGCW Lightning Cloud to Water
LTGIC Lightning in Clouds
LTL Little
LTLCG Little Change
LTNG Lightning
LTR Later
LTR Letter
LTT Landline Teletypewriter
LTTR Latter
LV Leaving
LV Light and Variable
LVE Leave or leaving
LVG Leaving
LVL Level
LVLOF Level Off
LWR Lower
LX Low Index
LYR Layer or layered or layers
M In RVR indicates visibility less than lowest reportable sensor value (e.g. M600)
M In temperature field means “minus” or below zero
M Mach number
M Maritime (air mass)
M Metres (preceded by figures)
M Missing (weather reports only)
M Mountain Standard Time (time groups only)
MA Map Analysis
MAA Maximum Authorized (IFR) Altitude
MAC Military Airlift Command
MACH MACH Number (speed ratio to speed of sound)
MACKAY Mackay Radio and Telegraph Company
MACVFR Make Altitude Changes VFR
MAFAP Minimum Altitude over Facility on Final Approach Course
MAG Magnetic
MAGSI Minimum Altitude at Glide Slope Intersection Inbound
MAINT Maintenance
MAL Maintain at Least (altitude)
MALS Medium-Intensity Approach Lighting System
MALSF Medium-Intensity Approach Light System with Sequenced Flashers
MALSR Medium-Intensity Approach Lighting System With Runway Alignment Indicator
MAM Maintenance Assumes Monitor
MAN Manitoba
MAN Manual
MANAM Manual Amendment
MANOP Manual of Operations
MAP Aeronautical Maps and Charts
MAP Missed Approach Point
MAPS Meteorological Aeronautical Presentation System
MAPT Missed Approach Point
MAR At sea
MARPT Municipal Airport
MARSA Military Assumes Responsibility for Separation of Aircraft
MAS Manual A1 Simplex
MAS Military Alert System
MAX Maximum
MB Marker Beacon
MB Millibars
MCA Minimum Crossing Altitude
MCAS Marine Corps Air Station
MCAS(H) Marine Corps Air Station (Helicopter)
MCK Maintenance Check
MCS Master Control Station
MCW Modulated Continuous Wave
MCZNE Minimum When Control Zone Effective
MDA Minimum Descent Altitude
MDF Medium Frequency Direction Finding Station
MDFR Make Descent From
MDFY Modify
MDH Minimum Descent Height
MDT Moderate
MDZ Modernize
MDZN Modernization
MEA Minimum En Route Altitude
MECH Mechanic
MED Medical
MED Medium
MEDEVAC Medical Emergency Evacuation
MEGG Merging
MEHT Minimum Eye Height Over Threshold
MEML Memorial
MET Meteorological aviation routine weather report
METOF Meteorological Officer
METRO Metropolitan
MEX Mexico
MF Medium Frequency
MFL Maintain Flight Level
MFOB Minimum Fuel on Board
MFPOF Master Flight Plan on File
MFS Military Flight Service
MFV Forward visibility more than (miles)
MFXT Meter Fix Time
MGAT Make Good a Track of (degrees)
MGMT Make Good a Magnetic Track of (degrees)
MGMT Management
MGR Manager
MHA Minimum Holding Altitude
MHDF Medium and High Frequency Direction Finding Station
MHDG Magnetic Heading
MHFR Military Height Finder Radar
MHKVLY Mohawk Valley
MHVDF Medium High and Very High Frequency Direction Finding Station
MHz Megahertz
MI Manufacturing Inspector
MI Mile
MI Shallow
MID Middle
MID Midpoint (related to RVR)
MID/ASIA  Middle East/Asia Region
MIDIZ MidCanada Identification Zone
MIDN Midnight
MIDPT Midpoint
MIFG Patches of shallow fog not deeper than two meters
MIJI Meaconing Intrusion Jamming Interference
MIL Military
MIMNO Mimeographic Notice
MIN Minute
MINIT Minutes in Trail
MIREQ Minimum Requirements Specified
MIRL Medium Intensity Runway Edge Lights
MIS Missing
MISC Miscellaneous
MISG Missing
MISL Missile
MIT Miles in Trail
MITO Minimum Interval Takeoff
MKCT Make Check Turn
MKD Marked
MKR Marker
MKR Marker Radio Beacon
MLS Microwave Landing System
MLTLVL Melting Level
MM Middle Marker
MM Millimeter
MMACH Maintain Mach
MMO Main Meteorological Office
MNLD Mainland
MNLY Mainly
MNM Minimum
MNPS Minimum Navigation Performance Specification
MNPSA Minimum Navigation Performance Specification Airspace
MNT Monitor
MNTN Maintain
MNVR Maneuver
MOA Memorandum of Agreement
MOA Military Operations Area
MOC Minimum Obstacle Clearance
MOCA Minimum Obstruction Clearance Altitude
MOD Moderate
MOD Modulate or modulation or modulator
MOGR Moderate or Greater
MON Above mountains
MONOK Monitor resumed normal operation
MONOS Monitor out of service
MONTR Monitor
MOPS Minimum Operational Performance Standards
MOPTAR Multiobject Phase Tracking and Ranging
MOREPS Monitor Station Reports
MOT Ministry of Transport (Canada)
MOTNE Meteorological Operational Telecommunications Network Europe
MOV Move
MPH Miles Per Hour
MPP Merit Promotion Program
MPS Meters Per Second
MPVA Maintain a Position VFR and Advise
MRA Minimum Reception Altitude
MRG Medium Range
MRGL Marginal
MRM Maintenance Returns Monitor
MRNG Morning
MRP ATS/MET Reporting Point
MRR Mechanical Reliability Report
MRTM Maritime
MRU Military Radar Unit
MS Minus
MSA Minimum Safe/sector Altitude
MSAW Minimum Safe Altitude Warning
MSG Message
MSGCTR Message Center
MSL Mean Sea Level
MSR Message (transmission identification) has been misrouted
MSSR Monopulse Secondary Surveillance Radar
MSTLY Mostly
MSTR Moisture
MT Mountain
MTCA Minimum Terrain Clearance Altitude
MTI Moving Target Indicator
MTN Mountain
MTR Military Training Route
MTRL Material
MTRY Momentary
MTU Metric Units
MTW Mountain Wave
MU Friction value representing runway surface conditions
MUA Maximum Usable Altitude
MUF Maximum Usable Frequency
MULT Multiple
MUNI Municipal
MV Millivolt
MVA Minimum Vector Altitude
MVDF Medium and very high frequency direction finding station
MVFR Maintain VFR
MVFR Marginal VFR
MVSP Maintain Visual Separation
MWO Meteorological Watch Office
MWRC Maintain Well to Right of Course
MWTCS Modernized Weather Teletypewriter Communications System
MXD Mixed
N North or northern latitude
N/A Not Applicable
NA National Air Traffic Controllers Association
NA Not Authorized
NAAS Naval Auxiliary Air Station
NAATS National Association of Air Traffic Control Specialists
NAB Not Above
NACOS National Communications Schedule
NADIN National Airspace Data Interchange Network
NAF Naval Air Facility
NAFEC National Aviation Facilities Experimental Center
NANAC National Aircraft Noise Abatement Council
NAP Not at Present
NAPRS National Airspace Performance Reporting System
NAR North American Route
NAR Not According to Routine
NAS National Airspace System
NAS Naval Air Station
NAS Navigation and Collision Avoidance System
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASC National AIS System Centre
NASEO National Airways System Engineering Office
NASP National Airport System Plan
NAT North Atlantic
NAT Not ARTS tracked
NATL National
NATR No Additional Traffic Reported
NATS Noise Abatement Test System
NAV Navigation
NAVAID Navigational Aid
NAVLO Navy Liaison Officer
NAVREP Navy Representative 
NB New Brunswick
NB Northbound
NBCAP National Beacon Code Allocation Plan
NBFR Not Before
NBND Northbound
NBRHD Neighborhood
NC National Air Transport Coordinating Committee
NC No Change
NCDC National Climatic Data Center
NCE No Change in Estimates
NCS National Communications System
NCWX No Change in Weather
NDB Nondirectional Radio Beacon
NDB/DME NDB and DME (collocated)
NDBLO Not to Descend Below
NE Northeast
NEB Northeastbound
NEC Necessary
NEF No Further Clearance Required
NEG Negative
NELY Northeasterly
NERN Northeastern
NESS National Environmental Satellite Service
NETR No Essential Traffic Reported
NEW ENG New England
NFDC National Flight Data Center
NFDD National Flight Data Digest
NFLD Newfoundland
NFQ Night Frequency
NFT No Filing Time
NFU Not For Us
NG National Guard
NGT Night
NHD Not Heard
NICS National Airspace System Interfacility Communications System
NIL None
NIL Unable to transmit
NIS Not in System
NL No Layers
NLT Not Later Than
NM Nautical Mile
NMBR Number
NMC National Meteorological Center
NML Normal
NMN No Middle Name
NMR Nautical Mile Radius
NMRS Numerous
NNE North North East
NNERN North North Eastern
NNEWD North North Eastward
NNW North North west
NNWRN North North Western
NNWWD North Westward
NO Not available
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NOAC No Action Necessary
NOFIN No Further Information
NOHOL Not Holding
NOIFN No Information
NOM National Communications Center
NOMAD Naval Oceanographic Meteorological Automatic Device
NONEG Negative replies not required
NONRVSM Non-RVSM Capable Flight
NOPAC North Pacific
NOPAR Do not pass to Air Defense radar
NOPT No Procedure Turn Required
NORAC No Radio Contact
NORAD North American Aerospace Defense Command
NORDO No Radio
NOREC No Record
NOREP No Report
NORIV No Arrival Report
NORPI No pilot balloon observation will be filed next collection unless weather changes significantly
NORR No Reply Received
NORST No Restrictions
NOS National Ocean Service
NOSI now Simultaneous
NOSIG No Significant Change
NOSPL No Special Observations Taken (weather reports only)
NOTAM Notice to Air Missions  
NOTAM Notice to Airmen (No longer used)
NOZ Normal operating zone
NPI Nonprecision Instrument
NPRL No Parallel Traffic
NPRM Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
NPRS Nonpersistent
NR Near
NR Number
NRAB Naval Reserve Air Base
NRD No Record of Destination
NRH No Reply Heard
NRP North American Route Program
NRV Nonrevenue
NRW Narrow
NS Nimbostratus
NS Nova Scotia
NSC No Significant Clouds
NSC Nonstandard C/A Code
NSCSWD No Small Craft or Storm Warning are Being Displayed
NSP Nonstandard Holding Pattern
NSSFC National Severe Storm Forecast Center
NSTP Nonstop
NSW No Significant Weather
NTAP National Track Analysis Program
NTAP Notices To Airmen Publication
NTE Not to Exceed
NTFND No Trouble Found
NTFY Notify
NTL National
NTO Name to
NTRP No Traffic Reported
NTSB National Transportation Safety Board
NTZ No Transgression Zone
NUDET Nuclear Detonation
NVA Negative Vorticity Advection
NW Northwest
NWB Northwestbound
NWLY Northwesterly 
NWRN Northwestern
NWS National Weather Service
NWSO Naval Weather Service Office
NXT Next
O/F On File
O/R On Request
O/T Overtime
OA Overhead Approach
OAC Oceanic Area Control
OAG Official Airline Guide
OANDR Operation and Regulation
OAOI On and Off Instruments
OARTS Oceanic Air Route Tracking System
OAS Obstacle Assessment Surface
OAT Outside Air Temperature
OB On Board
OBL Obliterate
OBND Outbound
OBS Observation
OBSC Obscure obscured or obscuring
OBST Obstacle
OBST Obstruct
OBSTN Obstruction
OC Obstruction Chart
OC On Course
OCA Obstacle Clearance Altitude
OCA Oceanic Control Area
OCAC Oceanic
OCAS Out of Controlled Airspace
OCFNT Occluded Front
OCH Obstacle Clearance Height
OCL Obstacle Clearance Limit
OCLD Occlude
OCLN Occlusion
OCNL Occasional
OCR Occur
OCS Obstacle clearance surface
OCTLA Out of Control Area
ODALS Omnidirectional Approach Lighting System
ODAPS Oceanic Display and Planning System
OFAS Overseas Flight Assistance Service
OFC Office
OFFL Official
OFM Out For Maintenance
OFP Occluded Frontal Passage
OFP Original Flight Plan
OFSHR Offshore
OFW Off Watch
OFXT Outer Fix Time
OFZ Obstacle free zone
OG On Ground
OGN Originate
OHD Overhead
OI On Instruments
OINT Omni Intersection
OIS Operational Information System
OJT On The Job Training
OK Operating Normally
OK We agree or it is correct
OLDI On Line Data Interchange
OLS Optical Landing System
OM Outer Marker
OMSG Our Message
OMTNS Over Mountains
ONER Oceanic Navigational Error Report
ONSHR On Shore
ONT Ontario
ONW On Watch
OOT Out of Tolerance
OPA Opaque white type of ice formation
OPC Operational Control
OPDT Opposite Direction Traffic
OPER Operate
OPMET Operational Meteorological (information)
OPN Open
OPN Operation
OPNML Operations Normal
OPR Operate Operator Operational
OPS Operations
OPSNET Operations Network
ORD Order
ORGPHC Orographic
ORIG Original
ORL Overrun Lights
ORS Over Range Station
OSV Ocean Station Vessel
OT Oral Notice
OT On Time
OTAS On Top and Smooth
OTFC Overflight Traffic
OTLK Outlook
OTP On Top
OTR Other
OTRW Otherwise
OTS Organized Track System
OTS Out of Service
OUBD Outbound
OV Location (PIREP only)
OVC Overcast
OVD Overdue
OVHD Overhead
OVLA Overlay
OVNGT Overnight
OVR Over
OVRN Overrun
OVSEA Overseas
OVTK Overtake
OW One Way
OWF Optimum Working Frequency
OXY Oxygen
P In RVR indicates visibility greater than highest reportable sensor value
P Pacific Standard Time
P Polar (air mass)
P Precision approach terrain chart
P Prohibited Area
P/CG Pilot Controller Glossary
P6SM Visibility greater than 6 SM (TAF only)
PA Precision Approach
PA Pressure Altitude
PAC Pacific
PACF Parent FSS assumes control of part time FSS
PADRA Pass to Air Defense Radar
PAEW Personnel and Equipment Working
PAJA Parachute Jumping Activities
PALS Precision Approach Lighting System
PALT Present Altitude
PANS Procedures for Air Navigation Services
PAP ProAirPilot
PAPI Precision Approach Path Indicator
PAR Precision Approach Radar
PARA Paragraph
PAREN Parenthesis
PARL Parallel
PARROT Position Adjustable Range Reference Orientation Transponder
PAT Pattern
PATWAS Pilots Automatic Telephone Weather Answering Service
PAU Present Address Unknown
PAX Passenger
PBCT Proposed Boundary Crossing Time
PBL Probable
PBS Public Buildings Service
PCA Positive Control Area
PCD Proceed
PCK Pilot Check
PCL Pilot Controlled Lighting
PCN Pavement Classification Number
PCPN Precipitation
PCS Permanent Change of Station
PD Period
PDAR Preferential Arrival/Departure Route
PDC Predeparture Clearance
PDDC Proceed Directly on Course
PDMT Predominant
PDMT Predominate
PDOP Position Dilution of Precision
PDR Preferential Departure Route (Stage A)
PDW Priority Delayed Weather
PEN Peninsula
PENT Penetrate or penetration
PER Performance
PERCOM Peripheral Communications
PERF Perforator
PERM Permanent
PFSV Pilot to Forecaster Service
PGTSND Puget Sound
PHYS Physical
PIB Preflight Information Bulletin
PIBAL Pilot Balloon Observation
PIC Pilot in Command
PIR Precision Instrument Runway
PIREP Pilot Weather Report
PIRFC Pilot Requests Forecast
PISE No pilot balloon observation due to unfavorable sea conditions
PISO No pilot balloon observation due to snow
PIT Pilot Instructor Training
PIWI No pilot balloon observation due to high, or gusty, surface wind
PJE Parachute Jumping Exercise
PK WND Peak Wind
PL Ice Pellets
PLA Practice Low Approach
PLASI Pulsating Visual Approach Slope Indicators
PLAT Present Latitude
PLF Private Line Telephone
PLN Flight Plan
PLOB Place of Birth
PLONG Present Longitude
PLS Please
PLT Private Line Teletypewriter
PLVL Present Level
PLW Plow (snow)
PM Post Meridiem
PMSN Permission
PMT Permit
PN Prior Notice Required
PNHDL Panhandle
PNR Point of No Return
PO Dust Devils
PO Post Office
PO Purchase Order
POA Privately Owned Aircraft
POB Persons On Board
POC Proceed or Proceeding On Course
POS Positive
POSS Possible
POV Privately Owned Vehicle
PP Pay Period (number)
PPI Plan Position Indicator
PPINA Radar weather report not available (or omitted for a reason different than those otherwise stated)
PPINE Radar weather report no echoes observed
PPINO Radar weather report equipment inoperative due to breakdown
PPIOK Radar weather report equipment operation resumed
PPIOM Radar weather report equipment inoperative due to maintenance
PPR Prior Permission Required
PPS Propose
PPSN Present Position
PR Partial
PR Photo Reconnaissance
PRBL Probable
PRBLTY Probability
PRBO Position Relief Briefing Observed
PRCF Parent FSS returns control of part time FSS
PRCHT Parachute
PRCTN Precaution
PRECD Precede
PREF Preferred
PRES Pressure
PRESFR Pressure Falling Rapidly
PRESRR Pressure Rising Rapidly
PREV Previous
PRFG Fog Partial
PRI Primary
PRIM Primary
PRIN Principal
PRIND Present Indications Are
PRIRA Primary Radar
PRJMP Pressure Jump (weather reports only)
PRKG Parking
PRN Pseudo Random Noise
PROB Probability
PROB30 Probability 30 Percent
PROB40 Probability 40 Percent
PROC Procedure
PROCD Proceed
PROG Prognosis or prognostic
PROG Progress
PROP Propeller
PROPA Propagation
PROSIG Procedure Signal
PROV Provisional
PRP Prepare
PRSNT Present
PRST Persist
PRVD Provide
PS Passenger Service
PS Plus
PSBL Possible
PSBT Pilot Self Briefing Terminal
PSG Passage
PSG Passing
PSGR Passenger
PSN Position
PSNAL Personal
PSNL Personnel
PSNRP Position Report
PSP Pierced Steel Planking
PSR Packed Snow on Runway
PSR Primary Surveillance radar
PSRI Position Subject to Return of Incumbent
PSRS Position Subject to Rotating Shifts
PST Pacific Standard Time
PT Procedure Turn
PTC Plan to Clear
PTC Positive Target Control
PTCHY Pitchy
PTCP Participate
PTLY Partly
PTN Portion
PTN Procedure Turn
PTP Point To Point
PTR Printer
PTS Polar Track Structure
PUB Public
PUBL Publish
PUP Pickup
PVA Positive Vorticity Advection
PVASI Pulsating Visual Approach Slope Indicator
PVL Prevail
PVLT Prevalent
PVT Private
PWB Pilot Weather Briefing
PWI Proximity Warning Indicator
PWINO Precipitation identifier information not available (weather reports only)
PWR Power
PWRNO Power Failure
PWROK Power Restored
PY Spray
QDL Question asking for a series of bearings typically used in ICAO
QDM Magnetic Heading
QDR Magnetic Bearing
QFE Atmospheric pressure at airport elevation
QFLOW Quota Flow Control Procedures
QFU Magnetic orientation of runway
QJH Shall I run my test tape/a test sentence
QLFY Qualify
QLTY Quality
QN Question
QNH Altimeter subscale setting to obtain elevation when on the ground
QNTY Quantity
QSP Question asking for free of charge relay in ICAO
QSTNRY Quasi Stationary
QTA Shall I cancel telegram number?
QTE True bearing
QTR Quarter
QUAD Quadrant
QUE Quebec
QUJ Questions asking for TRUE track in degrees and time in ICAO
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