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Welcome to the notices to air missions acronym list. Formerly known as notice to airmen. This list includes acronyms, abbreviations, and contractions for all NOTAM's. If we missed one check our master acronym list here or let us know!
D Danger Area
DA Decision Altitude
DA Departure Approved
DAAR Deviation Approved As Requested
DABRK Daybreak
DAE District Airport Engineer
DAIRE Direct Altitude and Identification Readout Equipment
DALGT Daylight
DAP Do All Possible
DAPD Descend at Pilot’s Discretion
DASI Digital Altimeter Setting Indicator
DATIS Data Link Automatic Terminal Information Service
DATIS Digital Automatic Terminal Information Service
DB Decibel
DB Describe
DBA Doing Business As
DBASI Digital Barometer Altimeter Setting Indicator
DBL Double
DBTF Doubtful
DC Direct Current
DCA Defense Communications Acy
DCAVU Clear or scattered clouds and visibility greater than ten, remainder of report missing (weather reports only)
DCD Double Channel Duplex
DCF Deputy Chief
DCKG Docking
DCLRT Decelerate
DCM Defense Combat Maneuvers
DCMSN Decommission
DCMT Document
DCPC Direct Controller Pilot Communications
DCR Decrease
DCRZ Descend to and Cruise
DCS Defense Communications System
DCS Double Channel Simplex
DCT Direct
DDM Difference in Depth of Modulation
DE From (used to precede the call sign of the calling station)
DECCO Defense Commercial Communications Office
DEF Defense
DEFCON Defense Readiness Conditions
DEG Degree
DELPHO Deliver by Telephone
DEMOL Demolition
DENEB Fog Dispersal Operations
DEP Depart
DEP Departure
DEPT Department
DER Departure End of Runway
DES Descend to or Descending to
DESTN Destination
DETRESFA Distress Phase Code Alerting
DEV Deviation
DEW Distant Early Warning
DEWIZ Distant Early Warning Identification Zone
DFCLT Difficult
DFDR Digital Flight Data Recorder
DFL Daily Flight Log
DFNT Definite
DFRS Differs
DFTI Distance From Touchdown Indicator
DFUS Diffuse
DGCGO Dangerous Cargo
DGNL Diagonal
DGR Danger
DH Decision Height
DI Delay Indefinite
DI Departure approval request for IFR flight
DIAM Diameter
DIF Diffuse
DIR Director
DISABLD Disabled
DISC Discontinue
DISEM Disseminate
DIST Distance
DIST District
DISTR Distribute
DIV Divert
DIV Division
DKTS Dakotas
DLA Delay
DLAC Delay Account Of
DLAT Delay Time
DLC Delay Clearance or Delayed Clearance
DLIC Data Link Initiation Capability
DLT Delete
DLVR Deliver
DLVY Delivery
DLY Daily
DMAAC Defense Mapping Acy Aerospace Center
DMAHC Defense Mapping Acy Hydrographic Center
DME Distance Measuring Equipment
DME/P Precision Distance Measuring Equipment
DMEG DME Co-located with Glide Slope
DMEL DME Co-located with Localizer
DMER DME Tactical air navigation with DME only commissioned
DMEV DME Co-located with VOR
DMG Damage
DMNT Dominant
DMO Directives Management Officer
DMSH Diminish
DMSTN Demonstration
DNA Defense Nuclear Agency
DNG Danger
DNS Dense
DNSLP Downslope
DNSTRM Downstream
DNWND Downwind
DO Deputy Commander for Operations
DO Ditto
DOB Date of Birth
DOC Department of Commerce
DOD Department of Defense
DOE Department of Energy
DOLLY Data Link
DOM Domestic
DOT Department of Transportation
DOT1 Transport One Secretary of Transportation
DOT2 Transport Two Deputy Secretary of Transportation
DP Deep
DP Dew Point
DPCR Departure Procedure
DPNG Deepening
DPT Depth
DPTH Depth
DR Dead Reckoning
DR Direct Route
DR Low Drifting
DRCT Direct
DRCTN Direction
DRDU Low Drifting Dust
DRFT Drift
DRG During
DRIR Direct Readout Infrared
DRMS Distance Root Mean Square
DRR Deployment Readiness Review
DRSA Low Drifting Sand
DRSN Low Drifting Snow
DRZL Drizzle
DS Domestic Services (island operations)
DS Dust Storm
DSATR Descend So as to Reach
DSATX Descend So as to Cross
DSB Double Sideband
DSCNT Descent
DSGND Designated
DSIPT Dissipate
DSN Defense Switching Network
DSND Descend
DSNDI Descend Immediately
DSNT Distant
DSPL Display
DSPLC Displace
DSPN Disposition
DSPRL Dispersal
DSR Desire
DSRGD Disregard
DST Distort
DSTC Distance
DSTND Destined
DTAM Descend to and Maintain
DTAX Descend to and Cross
DTE Data Terminal Equipment
DTF Data Transmission Feature
DTG Date Time Group
DTHR Displaced Runway Threshold
DTL Detail
DTLN International Dateline
DTR Data Transmission Request
DTRM Determine
DTRT Deteriorate
DTS Diplomatic Telecommunications Service
DTW Dual Tandem Wheels
DU Widespread Dust
DUATS Direct User Access Terminal System
DUC Dense Upper Cloud
DUPE Duplicate
DUPE Duplicate Message
DUR Duration
DURC During Climb
DURD During Descent
DURG During
DURN Duration
DV Distinguished Visitors
DVFR Day Visual Flight Rules
DVFR Defense Visual Flight Rules
DVLP Develop
DVOR Doppler VHF Omnidirectional Radio Range
DVRG Diverge
DVRSN Diversion
DVV Downward Vertical Velocity
DW Dual Wheels
DWG Drawing
DWNDFTS Downdrafts
DWPNT Dew Point
DWRC Descend Well to Right of Course
DWTR Descend Well to Right
DX Duplex
DZ Drizzle
E East or Eastern longitude
E Eastern Standard Time (time groups only)
E Ending of precipitation (time in minutes) (weather reports only)
E Equatorial (air mass)
E/G Engineerator
E/R Exchange and Repair
EACLN Expect Approach Clearance
EACNL Expect Approach Clearance Not Later Than
EADIZ Entering Air Defense Identification Zone
EARTS En Route Automated Radar Tracking System
EAS Equivalent Airspeed
EAT Expected Approach Time
EB Eastbound
EBND Eastbound
ECA Enter Control Area
ECAS Enter Controlled Airspace
ECD Except Change Departure to Read
ECM Electronic Counter Measures
ECMSN Electronic Counter Measure Mission
ECOM En Route Communications
ECR Except Change Route to Read
ECSP Electronic Specialist
EDA Early Departure Authorized
EDC Expect Departure Clearance At
EDCT Estimated Departure Clearance
EDR Expect Departure Release At
EEE Error (to be used in AFS as a procedure signal)
EEM Electronic Equipment Modification
EENGR Electrical Engineer
EEP End Exercise Point
EET Estimated Elapsed Time
EFA Entire Field Available
EFAS En Route Flight Advisory Service
EFC Expect Further Clearance At
EFCT Effect
EFF Effective
EFR Expect Further Routing
EFTO Encrypt for Transmission Only
EG Emergency Gear
EGECON Electronic Geographic Coordinator Navigation System
EHA Expect Higher Altitude
EHF Extremely High Frequency (30000 to 300000 MHz)
EIT Electronic Installation Technician
ELAT Estimated Latitude
ELBA Emergency Location Beacon Aircraft
ELEC Electric
ELECN Electrician
ELEV Elevate or elevation
ELIP Elliptical
ELMT Electronic Mechanic Technician
ELNGT Elongate
ELONG Estimated Longitude
ELR Extra Long Range
ELSW Elsewhere
ELT Emergency Locator Transmitter
EM Emission
EMBD Embedded (in cloud layer)
EMBDD Embedded
EMDO Engineering and Manufacturing District Office
EMERG Emergency
EMI Electronic Maintenance Inspector
EMSU Environment Meteorological Support Unit
EMT Electronic Maintenance Technician
ENCTR Encounter
END Stopend (related to RVR)
ENDCE Endurance
ENDG Ending
ENE East North East
ENERN East North Eastern (weather reports only)
ENEWD East North Eastward (weather reports only)
ENG Engine
ENGR Engineer
ENHNCD Enhanced
ENHNCMNT Enhancement
ENR Enroute
ENRC Enroute Chart (followed by name/ title)
ENRT En Route
ENTR Entire
EOBT Estimated Off Block Time
EOD Entered On Duty
EOF Expected Operations Forecast
EP En Route Penetration
EPI Expanded Position Indicator
EQCRT Equipment Certified
EQPT Equipment
EQUIP Equipment
ER Here
ERAD En Route Radar (broadband)
ERMG En Route Metering
ERSP En Route Spacing Program
ERY Early
ESCAT Emergency Security Control of Air Traffic
ESE East South East
ESEC En Route Secondary Radar Beacon
ESERN East South Eastern
ESEWD East South Eastward
ESNTL Essential
ESP En Route Sequencing Program
EST Estimate or estimation
ESTAB Establish
ESV Expanded Service Volume
ET Electronic Technician
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival
ETARS En route tracking automatic radar service
ETC Et Cetera
ETD Estimated Time of Departure
ETE Estimated Time En Route
ETFL Each Thousand Foot Level
ETI Estimated Information
ETIM Elapsed Time
ETO Estimated Time Over Significant Point
ETOV Estimated Time Over
ETP Estimated Time of Penetration
ETR Eastern Test Range
EU Electronic Unit
EUO Emergency Use Only
EV Every
EVAC Evacuation
EVAL Evaluate or evaluation
EVE Evening
EVS Electronic Voice Switching System
EVT Expect Vector To
EXAM Examination
EXC Except
EXCH Exchange
EXCLD Exclude
EXCLV Exclusive
EXCP Except
EXCT Execute
EXDLVY Expedite Delivery
EXEC Executive
EXEC1 President on board civil aircraft
EXEC1F President’s family is aboard aircraft
EXEC2 Vice President is aboard civil aircraft
EXEC2F Vice President’s family is aboard aircraft
EXER Exercise
EXP Expect
EXPC Expect
EXPED Expedite
EXPHO Expedite Delivery by Telephone
EXPS Express
EXQF Expanded Quota Flow
EXREP Expedite Mail Reply
EXSEC Extra Section
EXSHI Expedite Shipment
EXTD Extend
EXTN Extension
EXTRAP Extrapolate
EXTRM Extreme
EXTSV Extensive
F Cleared to fix
F Fahrenheit
F Flight Inspection
FA Area Forecast
FA CENTER Aviation Area Forecast Center
FA Final Approach
FA Fuel Advisory
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FAA For an Approach To
FAA1 SafeAir OneFederal Aviation Administration Administrator
FAA2 SafeAir TwoFederal Aviation Administration Deputy Administrator
FAAP Federal Aid to Airports Program
FAC Facility
FACF Facility Chief
FACSFAC Fleet Area Controlled and Surveillance Facility
FAD Fuel Advisory Departure
FAF Final Approach Fix
FAFAB FSS Assumes Flightplan Area and Service B
FAH Fahrenheit
FAL Facilitation of International Air Transport
FAM Familiar or familiarization
FAMAE Following Amendment Authorized Effective
FAP Final Approach Point
FAR Federal Aviation Regulations
FATFL FSS Assumes Control of Tower Frequencies and Lights
FAX Facsimile
FBO Fixed Base Operator
FC Funnel Cloud
FCA Frequency Change Approved
FCC Federal Communications Commission
FCFSS  Contract Flight Service Station
FCO Facility Coordination Officer
FCRP Field Condition Report
FCST Forecast
FCTA Flow Control Time of Arrival
FCWOS  Contract Weather Observing Station
FDAT Flight Data
FDC Flight Data Center
FDDL Frequency Division Data Link
FDEP Flight Data Entry and Printout
FDI Fault Detection and Isolation
FDIO Flight Data Input/Output
FDIOR Flight Data Input/Output Repeater
FDPS Flight Data Processing System
FE Flight Engineer
FENKN Fuel Supply Unknown
FENTL Fuel Supply Until
FEW Cloud Coverage 1/8th to 1/4th of sky
FEXHA Fuel Supply Exhausted
FFC For Further Clearance
FFLT Familiarization Flight
FFMN Fixed Federal Monitoring Network
FFR Fire Fighting
FG Fog
FGSB FSS Guarding Service B
FI/P Flight Information (permanent)
FI/T Flight Information (temporary)
FIBI Filed But Impracticable to Transmit
FIC Flight Information Center
FICON Field Condition
FIDO Flight Inspection District Office
FIFO Flight Inspection Field Office
FIFOH Flight Inspection Field Office High Altitude
FIFP Filed IFR Flight Plan
FIG Figure
FIG Flight Inspection Group
FIL Filament
FILG Filling
FILS Florescan Instrument Landing System
FINO Weather report will not be filed for transmission
FIR Flight Information Region
FIRAV First Available
FIRB Flight Information Region Boundary
FIRG Firing
FIRIV Arrival report will be filed with
FIS Flight Information Service
FISA Automated flight information service
FL Flash Advisory
FL Flight Level
FLCTN Fluctuation
FLD Field
FLDST Flood Stage
FLG Falling
FLG Flashing
FLIDAP Flight Data Position
FLIP Flight Information Publication
FLORL Fluorescent Runway Lighting (floodlight system)
FLR Flares
FLRY Flurry
FLT Flight
FLTCK Flight Check
FLTO Flight Orders
FLTWO Flight Watch Outlet
FLUC Fluctuating
FLW Follow
FLWIS Flood Warning Issued
FM Fan Marker
FM From
FMAP Fan Marker Approach
FMH Fan Marker Located with Radio Beacon
FMO Frequency Management Officer
FMS Flight Management System
FMT Format
FMU Flow Management Unit
FNA Final Approach
FNCTN Function
FNT Front
FNTGNS Frontoesis
FNTLYS Frontolysis
FOB Fuel On Board
FOD Foreign Object Debris
FONE Telephone
FORNN Forenoon
FP Flight Plan
FPA Flight Plan Area
FPB Flight Progress Board
FPDI Flight Path Deviation Indicator
FPL Filed Flight Plan
FPL Full Performance Level
FPM Feet Per Minute
FPN Fixed Pulse Radar Navigation Aid
FPNO Flight Plan Not Received
FPP From Present Position
FPR Flight Plan Route
FPRC For Possible Reclearance
FPWA Further Particulars When Available
FQT Frequent
FR Fuel Remaining
FRC Full Route Clearance
FRD Fix Radial Distance
FREQ Frequency
FRFAB FSS Returns Flight Plan Area and Service B
FRH Fly Runway Heading
FRM Form
FRMG Forming
FRMN Formation
FRNG Firing
FROPA Frontal Passage
FROSFC Frontal Surface
FRQ Frequent
FRSB FSS Returns Service B
FRST Frost
FRTFL FSS Returns Control of Tower Frequencies and Lights
FRWF Forecast Wind Factor
FRZ Freeze
FRZLVL Freezing Level
FRZN Frozen
FSDO Flight Standards District Office
FSL Full Stop Landing
FSM Flight Schedule Monitor
FSNFO Flight Standards National Field Office
FSP Flight Strip Printer
FSS Flight Service Station
FT Feet
FT Filing Time
FT Foot
FTAR Following Transmitted as Received (message handling)
FTHR Farther or further
FTHRD Feathered
FTS Federal Telecommunications System
FU Smoke
FURN Furnish
FV Forward Visibility (miles)
FVFP Filed VFR Flight Plan
FW/SIFR Fixed Wing Special IFR
FW/SVFR Fixed Wing Special VFR
FWA Flight Watch Area
FWC Fleet Weather Central
FWCS Flight Watch Control Station
FWD Forward
FWDC Forward Collect
FWP Flight Watch Point
FWRNG Fire Warning
FWS Flight Watch Specialist
FWU Flight Watch Unit
FYI For Your Information
FZ Supercooled/freezing
FZDZ Freezing Drizzle
FZFG Freezing Fog
FZRA Freezing Rain
FZRANO Freezing Rain Sensor Not Available
G Green
G Gusts reaching (knots) (weather reports only)
G/A Ground to Air
G/A/G Ground to Air and Air to Ground
GA General Aviation
GA Glide Angle
GA Go ahead resume sending (to be used in AFS as a procedure signal)
GADO General Aviation District Office
GALS Gallons
GBA Give Better Address
GBAS Ground Based Augmentation System
GBL Government Bill of Landing
GBR Give Better Reference
GC Ground Control
GCA Ground Control Approach
GCI Ground Control Intercept
GCO Ground Communication Outlet
GDP Ground Delay Program
GDPGM Ground Delay Program
GEO Geographic
GEOREF Geographical Reference
GES Ground Earth Station
GHZ Gigahertz
GIC GPS Integrity Channel
GICG Glaze Icing
GLD Glider
GLDR Glider
GLFALSK Gulf of Alaska
GLFCAL Gulf of California
GLFMEX Gulf of Mexico
GLFSTLAWR Gulf of St Lawrence
GLONASS Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite System
GLS GBAS Landing System
GMC Ground Movement Chart (followed by name/title)
GMT Greenwich Mean Time
GND Ground
GNDCK Ground Check
GNDFG Ground Fog
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System (in general)
GNTR Generator
GOV Governor
GOVT Government
GP Glide Path
GPI Ground Point of Intercept
GPS Global Positioning System
GQA Get Quick Answer
GR Hail (greater than 3/4”)
GRAD Gradient
GRADU Gradual
GRASS Grass landing area
GRBL Garble
GRBNKS Grand Banks
GRDL Gradual
GRID Grid point values of processed meteorological data
GRTLKS Great Lakes
GRVL Gravel
GS Glide Slope
GS Ground Speed
GS Ground Stop
GS Snow pellets/small hail (less than 1/4”)
GSA General Services Administration
GSDO General Safety District Office
GSI General Safety Inspector
GSTS Gusts
GSTY Gusty
GTC Gain Time Control
GTCL Great Circle
GTR Greater
GUND Geoid Undulation
GV Ground Visibility
GVG Giving
GVH Government Vehicle
GWT Gross Weight
H24 Continuous 24 hour service
HAA Height Above Airport
HADA Hawaiian Defense Area
HADD Hawaiian Air Defense Division
HADIZ Hawaiian Air Defense Identification Zone
HAL Height Above Landing
HANG Hawaiian Air National Guard
HAPI Holding as Previously Instructed
HARS Hazardous Area Reporting Service
HAT Height Above Touchdown
HAZ Hazard
HAZMAT Hazardous Material
HB Homing Beacon
HBN Hazard Beacon
HCVIS High Clouds Visible
HDATZ High Density Traffic Zones
HDF High Frequency Direction Finding Station
HDFRZ Hard Freeze
HDG Heading
HDOP Horizontal Dilution of Precision
HDSVLY Hudson Valley
HDTA High Density Traffic Airport
HDWND Headwind
HEAD Head of State Status
HEL Helicopter
HELI Heliport
HF High Frequency
HFR Hold for Release
HGT Height
HHE Household Effects
HI High
HIALS High Intensity Approach Light System
HIBAL High Altitude Balloon
HIEAT Highest Temperature Equaled for all Time
HIEFM Highest Temperature Equaled for the Month
HIESE Highest Temperature Equaled so Early
HIESL Highest Temperature Equaled so Late
HIFOR High Level Forecast
HIRIV How will arrival report be filed concerning
HIRL High Intensity Runway Lights
HITMP Highest Temperature
HIWAS Hazardous Inflight Weather Advisory Service
HIXAT Highest Temperature Exceeded for all Time
HIXFM Highest Temperature Exceeded for the Month
HIXSE Highest Temperature Exceeded so Early
HIXSL Highest Temperature Exceeded so Late
HJ Sunrise to sunset
HLDG Holding
HLF Half
HLSTO Hailstones
HLTP Hilltop
HN Sunset to sunrise
HND Hundred
HNGR Hangar
HO Service available to meet operational requirements
HOL Holiday
HOP Handoff Point
HOP Helicopter Operations
HOSP Hospital Aircraft
HOW Handover Word
HP Holding Pattern
HPA Hectopascal
HQ Headquarters
HR Here
HR Hour
HRZN Horizon
HS Service available during scheduled operations
HTN Heterodyne
HTR Heater
HUM Humanitarian Mission
HURCN Hurricane
HUREP Hurricane Report
HV High Voltage
HVDF High and very high frequency direction finding stations
HVY Heavy
HWVR However
HWY Highway
HX High Index
HX No specific working hours
HYD Hydraulic
HYDRO Hydrographic
HYR Higher
HZ Haze
Hz Hertz
I/IFR Intermittent Instruments
IAARC International Administrative Aeronautical Radio Conference
IAC Instrument Approach Chart
IAD If Authorized DME May be Used
IAF Initial Approach Fix
IAO In and out of clouds
IAP Instrument Approach Procedure
IAR Intersection of Air Routes
IAS Indicated Air Speed
IATA International Air Transport Association
IATSC International Aeronautical Telecommunications Switching Center
IAW In Accordance With
IBASF Intervals Between Aircraft in Stream Type Formation
IBN Identification Beacon
IBND Inbound
IC Ice Crystals
IC Icing (PIREP only)
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
ICD Interface Control Document
ICG Icing
ICGIC Icing in Clouds
ICGICIP Icing in Clouds and Precipitation
ICGIP Icing in Precipitation
ID Identify or identifier
IDAT Interfacility Data
IDENT Identification
IDP Individual Development Plan
IF Intermediate approach fix
IF Intermediate Fix
IFAMP If Approach Missed Proceed
IFF Identification Friend/Foe
IFHOL If Holding
IFIM International Flight Information Manual
IFINS If Instrument Conditions Encountered
IFO International Field Office
IFO Interphone
IFONO Interphone (service F) not operative
IFORO Interphone (service F) resumed operation
IFPFP Individual Flight Plans from this Point
IFR Instrument Flight Rules
IFSS International Flight Service Station
IFUN If Unable
IFVLS If Flight Visibility Becomes Less Than
IFVR If Visibility Remains
IGA International General Aviation
IGIA Interacy Group on International Aviation
IIA If incorrect Advise
IISD If incorrect Service Direct
ILAS Instrument Low Approach
ILS Instrument Landing System
ILSP Instrument Landing System Partial
IM Inner Marker
IMAP Immediately After Passing
IMC Instrument Meteorological Conditions
IMDT Immediate
IMF Interrogation Sign
IMG Immigration
IMI Intensity Unknown
IMP Impracticable
IMPL Impulse
IMPR Improve
IMPT Important
IMT Immediate or immediately
IN Inch
INA Initial Approach
INADQT Inadequate
INATS Interruption of Air Traffic Services
INBD Inbound
INC In Clouds
INC Incorporated
INCERFA Uncertainty phase code (alerting service)
INCL Include
INCLV Inclusive
INCOMP Incomplete
INCOR Incorrect
INCR Increase
INDC Indicate
INDEF Indefinite
INDUS Industrial
INF Inland Navigation Facility
INFO Information
INIT Initial Training
INLD Inland
INOF If not off
INOP Inoperative
INP If Not Possible
INPR In Progress
INREQ Information Request
INS Inertial Navigation System
INSP Inspect
INST Instrument
INSTA Instruments Authorized
INSTA Interstate
INSTBY Instability
INSTL Install
INSTR Instruct
INSTR Instrument
INSUF Insufficient Scheduled Time Available
INSUF Unable to Finish
INT Intersection
INTCNTL Intercontinental
INTCP Intercept
INTD Intend
INTER Intermittent
INTFC Interference
INTL International
INTMD Intermediate
INTMT Intermittent
INTNS Intentions
INTR Interior
INTRG Interrogator
INTRMTRGN InterMountain Region
INTRP Interrupt
INTS Intense
INTSF Intensify or intensifying
INTSFY Intensify
INTST Intensity
INTVL Interval
INTXN Intersection
INVES Investigate
INVOF In the Vicinity Of
INVRN Inversion
INVSTAR Investigate and report
IOVC In Overcast
IP Initial Point
IP Instructor Pilot
IP/HHCL Initial Point/Hour Control Line
IPV Improve
IR Ice on Runway
IR IFR Military training route
IRAC Interdepartmental Radio Advisory Committee
IRAD Inbound Radial
IREG Irregular
IRN Interface Revision Notices
IS Island
ISA International Standard Atmosphere
ISB Independent Sideband
ISMGR Island Manager
ISMLS Interim Standard Microwave Landing System
ISOL Isolate
ITCK Issue Time Check
ITNRNT Itinerant
ITRY Itinerary
ITU International Telecommunications Union
IVFRC In VFR Conditions
JAL Jet Approach Landing Charts
JATO Jet Assisted Takeoff
JAWYS Join Airways
JBAR Jet Runway Barrier
JCTN Junction
JOUR Journeyman
JP Jet Penetration
JPAP Jet Penetration Approach
JTST Jet Stream
JTSTR Jet Stream
K Cold (air mass)
KC Kilocycles
KEPOA Keep this Office Advised
KFRST Killing Frost
KG Kilogram
KHZ Kilohertz
KIAS Knots Indicated Airspeed
KM Kilometers
KMH Kilometers Per Hour
KPA Kilopascal
KT Knots
KW Kilowatt
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